Friday, October 15, 2010

Holidays & Special Occasions

Holidays come with a lot of expectations, so here are a few things you might care to know:

Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year. When I think of Christmas I get excited. I love the smell of cinnamon covered pine cones and the splendor of the Christmas tree. Traditionally I play the music all season long and love watching classic movies, specifically It's a Wonderful Life and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I also enjoy going to Christmas Plays and Christmas Caroling. Decorating always starts the day-after Thanksgiving and continues all season long.

Gifts, Do's and Dont's

Perfume, Lingerie, Bath & Body Products from The Body Shop,Clinic Gift Sets, Jewelry Boxes, Jewelry, a Cd with songs that remind you of me, Crystal Flower Vases, Photo Frames, Precious Moment Figurines, Tasteful Lingerie, anything Romantically Engraved, or something you made is good for me. 

Dress size: 16
Shoe Size: 10
Bra Size: 38DD
Underwear Size: 8
Ring Size 7

Jewelry Preference: I am actually allergic to some metals so make sure that the item you are picking out is hypoallergenic. I like lockets, Charm Bracelets (especially Pandora), antique crosses, Angels and Butterfly's. I prefer white gold or sliver over the yellow gold color. If you are going to purchase a diamond, please avoid clusters. I am partial to the princess cut diamond and most of my current diamonds are 1 Carot.

Don't: purchasing small common household appliances, however bigger appliances are acceptable. I would act grateful but a hand held mixer is just not my idea of a proper special occasion gift.

New Years Eve
Ideally, would be celebrated at a party. Either one we throw or one that we attend. Hopefully, there will be singing, dancing, and joy. Most importantly, at midnight we have to kiss, it's tradition! As you will learn, I am big on tradition. I also like it when the guy makes and implements the plans in a relationship. Even if the night does not go as planned, you will still get appreciation points for just trying : ) 

My Birthday 
February 4th, 1983 was my birthday. I expect to be honored on my birthday. I expect flowers and dinner which I do not have to cook. Traditionally, I go out to dinner. A gift is customary but generally something I actually want at the time and is more practical like textbooks, or movie/concert/theater tickets.I very much enjoy plays and musicals.

Valentine's Day
Is a day that should be celebrated with each-other, preferably at home as I dislike crowded restaurants. Flowers, (not roses) is customary and a card, love letter, or the dedication of a romantic song is really sufficient. I do not care for crowded restaurants. I enjoy high end chocolate, like the kind you have to custom order. Generally See's is also sufficient, although I would rather have an edible arrangement if you are going to go that route. I'm starting to see why Sam calls me high maintenance.

I love red, purple/ mauve, and white roses but detest the super inflated cost around Valentines Day. Some flowers to consider instead: Alstromeria,Calla Lilly, Any Kind of Orchid, Crocosomia, Echinacea, Eucharis, Forsythia, Freesia, Godetia, Hyacinthia, Iris, Lilac, Narcissus, Orchids, Phlox, Protea, Strelitzia,
Avoid, Tulip,Vanda, and my favorite Vuylstekeara. 

Memorial Day, 4th of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving & 3 Day Weekends
To me three day weekends are great for a back yard BBQ, day trips, camping, & hanging out with friends and family.